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What did you like or dislike about your previous job?
   I enjoyed the people I worked with. It was a friendly and fun atmosphere and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning. I felt the leadership team was great as well. They knew all of their employees on a first name basis and tried to make those personal connections. However, I felt like I wasn't challenged and there wasn't room for advancement. 
Why do you want this job?
   This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference.
Why should we hire you?
   My qualifications and experience combined with my motivation and character would, in my opinion, make me the best candidate for this position.
How do you handle stress and pressure?
   From a personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer.
What are your goals 
Regan Cunneen

Mr Sandoval

ROP Photography 1

May 8 2013

                People say that I like to goof off and have a good time. Usually this involves going to the gym or hanging out with friends even if I haven’t finished my homework or whatever else work I need to do. Recently I admit that this is in some cases accurate as ‘senioritis’ has officially set in!

I doubted that it was real or that it could happen to me but it is, and it did. Besides that I still manage to be a fairly competent student. Some people know me better than others, obviously my family knows me the best in most ways. My friends do however know more about certain aspects of my life which I choose to keep separate from my relatives. I think the main misconception that people have about me is that I’m not compassionate, whereas in reality I am very empathetic.



    I am a senior at Mission Vista High School. My interests are those of the average high school age guy and consist mainly of what I can squeeze in between a busy schedule of school and extracurriculars.